Hello world
Something like a blog
Renewing a letsencrypt certificate
Embedding Python
Chat like a nerd
Dash dash
Using rcc to reshard a Redis Cluster optimally
Fixing Redis Cluster nodes ip address
Disabling vi visual flashing mode
Bin Packing, Redis Cluster and Cobra
IXWebSocket ws tool available in Alpine Linux 3.11
Controlling some TLS option with IXWebSocket
The fix that creates another bug...
An asyncio leak
RedisConf 2019 report
RedisConf 2019 talk
Something like a resume
- IXWebSocket, C++ websocket and http client and server library, coming with ws, a command line swiss army knife utility. This is both production code and a playground, and there is all sort of things there, a basic cobra compatible server named snake, cobra bots to republish cobra traffic to Sentry, Statsd or Redis, a WebSocket debugging tool, file transfers tools, a statsd and redis client, a websocket and http proxy, and even a pubsub only redis server.
- cobra, a real time messaging server using WebSocket for the transport, built on top of Redis Streams.
- rcc, a Python asyncio Redis Client library, with a cli for resharding and analyzing your keyspace.
- wsproxy, a very simple Python asyncio WebSocket proxy with per deflate compression. To this day the main Golang WebSocket library, Gorilla, does not support that spec entirely, notably the Context takeover part where the compression dictionary is retained accross messages, and it is unfortunate as it is where that extension shine. See this.
Doc to my beloved WebSocket library.
IXWebSocket doc
An Autobahn link
IXWebSocket autobahn tests
- Sat Oct 19 PDT 2019 - Dark mode support
- Sat Oct 19 PDT 2019 - Experimenting with li tag for layout
- Sat Oct 19 PDT 2019 - Adding robots.txt file to give hints to the Google Crawler